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JANUARY 24, 2018


In this segment of PNN, our host Etenesh Abebe discuss questions that have arises in P-Ville. As it continues we learn some insight from the DOD of each of the respective periods. Along with insight, the leaders of the periods provide brief report about how each period is doing and what they can do to improve.

JANUARY 17,2018


For this segment PNN`s host Uzair Pasta is interviewing one citizen from each period as they discuss about how their own respective periods are running along with some issues and problem they face. Towards the end they discuss whether the leadership in their periods is doing enough or is it just a mirage and illusion and the leadership just seem to be helping but have their own agenda

DECEMBER 11, 2017


On the 6th of December, Period 4 once again led a Supreme Council Meeting. Some bills were passed but due to an insufficient amount of time, some bills were left not addressed. Towards the end of the meeting; Period 4 Speaker of Council Nate Webster had informed the council that the next meeting would be held by Period 3 DOD; Delilah Santos and Speaker of Council Morgane Kane. Shortly after it was announced, Period 3 made the type of meeting a debate. A debate on whether Police Chiefs and DOI should be able to keep records of P-Ville Citizens for a more efficient way of keeping up to date with all the affairs or whether that is an invasion of Privacy. Today for this segment we have Head-Host Etenesh Abebe questioning both DOD`s of period 4; Caden Wells, as well as Period 3; DOD Delilah Santos

DEC 5, 2017

S.C MEETING NOV 29, 2017

On the 29th of November, P-Ville had it`s first Supreme Council Meeting of 2017-2018. However this wasn`t just any ordinary Supreme Council Meeting. This was the first Supreme Council Meeting in the 17 years Mr. P has taught that was led by a period instead of being led by King P. Instead of Mr. P leading the first meeting; DOD of Period 4; Caden Wells and his Speaker of Council; Nate Webster led the first Supreme Council Meeting. For Mr. P this was a step forward for all of P-Ville. Here in this segment, Co-Host; Etenesh Abebe questioned two elders; Shelby La Rue and Shingo Morita about how the first meeting went and how the future of P-Ville is looking.


This section of PNN, is for the reports of the weekly Supreme Council Meetings. Weekly Segments involving what happened in the Supreme Council Meetings will be relayed here in this section. Any other video involving World History or Beyond P-Ville will be in the other pages of PNN. This section is only for the reports of the Supreme Council Meetings; including what the Supreme Council voted on and the new issues that have surfaces in P-Ville.

Torrance, CA, USA

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