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Period 4 avoids near bankruptcy

On January 19 2018 period four’s DOD prevented bankruptcy with rolling a 3, a 6, and a 5. In total they rolled a 14. This isn’t P-Ville’s first roll to prevent bankruptcy, period six has rolled twice to prevent bankruptcy. With Mr.P calling the DOD of period 6, an expert on the matter. We have had over three near close calls to a period going bankrupt, in just the first 10 weeks of P-Ville. Cheaters, mishaps of SC into voting the lottery bill, overall periods scoring less than the sheltered class, and the ever constant citizens in red and leadership in blue, have been the largest problems.These have led stocks to be a roller coaster, freefalling one week and then riding high in another week. The uneasiness of the first quarter for P-Ville, is as one citizen put it “a little alarming for what comes next.” With elections coming up this week Thursday and Friday for new supreme council and DOD, it begs the question how do we lead tomorrow? And with whom? With the voting of the lottery bill and, the fact that all the periods did sub-par on the practice quizzes for the final, the last few weeks had been rocky for stocks. Leaders brace for bankruptcy, pulling out their dices, and are on edge. What does the next term bring for P-Ville, we could only speculate. Some citizens are assured of a bankruptcy in the future, while others have hope in our leaders and fellow citizens, saying “we hit an iceberg but we are trying to pull out our ship, I believe we will make it.”

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